Tips for Commercial HVAC System Repair and Maintenance

Tips for Commercial HVAC System Repair and Maintenance

Our commercial HVAC systems do a lot of work, so it’s important to give them the care and attention they need. Here are a few simple tips to help you keep your system working properly, and advice on when to call in experts from commercial HVAC companies.

Book routine maintenance checks with the professionals

We are going to get into some repairs and maintenance tips you can do yourself. Before that, it’s important to note that the absolute best thing that you can do for your commercial HVAC system is schedule routine preventative maintenance checks.

Regular maintenance checks done by expert commercial HVAC companies are like checkups at the doctor: even when nothing seems wrong, it’s important to go anyways. Especially as things get older.

Routine preventative maintenance lets an HVAC professional get familiar with your system and check it for any common issues. These can include things you may not notice, like worn belts, issues with ventilation and the need to clean out the vents.

Choosing regular service also means that your HVAC professional can likely catch issues before they become major issues. This not only extends the life of your commercial HVAC system, it also makes for fewer high-cost repairs and replacements. That means saving money both now and in the future.

Keep common consumables at the ready

Your HVAC system uses important, consumable goods that need to be regularly changed or inspected. One of the best things that you can do is have the stuff your system needs at the ready. That way, when a filter or fan belt needs to be replaced, you have it ready to go. In general, we recommend having a supply of filters, fan belts and gaskets stocked and stored somewhere on site for when they’re needed.

Replace filters every one to three months

Speaking of having things at the ready, one consumable you’ll use more than any other are filters. If you have a supply of them in stock, then you can ensure your system is regularly getting fresh filters when they’re needed.

In general, commercial HVAC companies recommend changing the filters every one to three months. If your commercial space is particularly high traffic or has a lot of dust and debris, then you will want to replace them monthly. If it’s a relatively low-key space without a lot of people, then you can probably replace them every three months.

Bear in mind that replacing your air filters does more than keep the air clean. They can also help your system run more efficiently. As filters do their job, pushing air through them requires more and more energy. This makes your system work that much harder to do what it does normally. Since HVAC systems can account for anywhere from 30% to 70% of a commercial building’s energy use, doing things like switching out filters can help keep those monthly bills under control.

Perform regular visual inspections

While you can’t necessarily take apart your system like commercial HVAC companies, you can take note of anything you see that seems off or that seems different from your last inspection. Whether you do this regular inspection or have a building manager perform it, you should put together a quick checklist to go through regularly to inspect your commercial HVAC system.

Every system is a little different, which means visual inspections will differ for every building. In general, here are a few things to put on your checklist to make sure you look for:

• Check batteries of every thermostat.

• Look for signs of mold on the registers and anywhere there is water or condensation.

• Check that the condensate system is draining properly.

• Visually confirm that registers and returns are open and free from blockage.

• Ensure all outdoor units are level. This is especially important to do after any major weather events, like storms or heavy rain, which can shift units and possibly damage them.

Know when to call professional commercial HVAC companies

Commercial HVAC systems are complicated, intricate, delicate and, most importantly, very expensive. They take up a lot of our monthly bills and, as a result, need to be treated properly. That’s why any repairs and replacements should be handled exclusively by trained experts working for commercial HVAC companies. Only HVAC professionals have the equipment and knowhow necessary to repair a system and get it back to full working order.