Employers Face Increasing Legal Risks – How an Attorney Can Help

Employers Face Increasing Legal Risks – How an Attorney Can Help

Operating a business in today’s complex legal landscape poses many risks that employers must navigate carefully. Even conscientious leaders can end up facing lawsuits or government investigations over employment practices, safety issues, contracts, and more. When legal problems arise, employers need an experienced defense attorney to guide them effectively through the process.

Lawsuits from Employees Pose Major Threats

One major vulnerability for employers is lawsuits from current or former employees alleging issues like discrimination, harassment, wrongful termination, or violations of employment laws regarding compensation, family leave, disabilities, etc. One study found that U.S. businesses face a 75% chance of an employment lawsuit in a 10-year period. If an employer loses such a case, they may end up paying substantial penalties and legal fees. Having an knowledgeable employer defense attorney in Los Angeles can help reduce legal exposure.

Health and Safety Violations Also Bring Risks

Businesses also face risks if a workplace injury or death leads to an investigation and citations for health or safety violations. The costs here too can add up through fines, legal expenses, higher insurance premiums, not to mention damage to the company’s reputation. In 2020 alone, U.S. businesses paid over $1 billion in penalties for OSHA violations. An employer defense lawyer can navigate regulations and push back against excessive fines.

Other Common Triggers for Legal Action

Beyond employment and safety issues, businesses can land in legal trouble due to problems with contracts, customers, trademarks, data privacy, environmental regulations, and more. Key risk points like business partnerships going sour or companies facing damaging false reviews demonstrate the value of having a lawyer on call to protect against legal threats.

How Employer Defense Attorneys Help Mitigate Risks

When faced with a lawsuit, investigation, or other legal action, an experienced employer defense attorney in Los Angeles can provide invaluable support:

Evaluating cases risks and likelihood of success

Gathering evidence and formulating the best defense strategies

Resolving issues early to avoid litigation though settlements or agreements

Negotiating with opposing counsel or government agencies

Fighting back against excessive demands or unfair practices

Minimizing potential penalties, damages, or disruptions to business

Amending policies and practices to prevent future legal problems

The costs of legal representation often pay for themselves several times over by averting worse financial and reputational outcomes for the company. In addition, keeping an employment lawyer on retainer enables businesses to seek expert counsel early when issues first emerge.

As legal risks continue growing for U.S. businesses, having trusted and knowledgeable defense attorney can help companies both resolve current issues and prevent future ones. Employers would be wise to secure quality legal help long before problems turn into lawsuits or government sanctions. Putting the right employer defense lawyer on your side can provide vital protection when you need it most.